Friday, April 24, 2009

Cutting down on clutter

5 Key Questions to Cut Down on Clutter

We all rationalize keeping items for a future that doesn't arrive. Here are some key excuses that simply don't cut it. If you hear yourself using any of these lines, put yourself on high clutter alert. Print out these questions, frame them and keep them accessible to keep clutter at bay.

1. I’m going to fix it someday
2. I need it just in case
3. I’ll sell it in a garage sale or online
4. This will be worth something someday
5. Someone else may be able to use it
By creating a wallet sized card with 5 Questions to Consider Before You Buy - you can prevent yourself from acquiring unnecessary items that have a high potential to turn into clutter. When shopping, use these questions to guide your purchases:

1. Do I really need this?
2. Do I have somewhere to store it?
3. Do I already have something like this?
4. Am I buying it just because it’s on sale?
5. Is it something I've been interested in for a long time, or am I buying
on impulse?

I like to think that I am perfect at this concept of being organized, but there are days where it just doesn't work out that way. So I rely on some old friends I have come to love and despise at the same time, lol...
Because they seem to have their act together unlike myself. But I have to admit they have provided me with much knowledge and insight into my imperfections. So just know that as we get to know each other that I am far from perfect, but I try to do my best and I like to share...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Come get organized with me

This blog is all about getting organized. I love all things having to do with organization. This blog will be dedicated to small tidbits of information about this and that.

I will be working on puttting some classes together so we can all enjoy the fun of getting organized. Classes will start at 25 dollars per person, with min. of 10 persons and max. of 25 persons, if you would like to host a gathering where you meet the maximum class size your cost if FREE! There will be door prizes and great food.